Age, 18
Status: Mostly single ;)
Lived with my two best friends.
Had no idea what I wanted to major in.
Got home sick every week.
Met amazing people & lifelong friends.
Spent almost everyday at drill practice.
Partied like crazy-all the time.
Had no idea what life had in store for me.
Loved life.
Age, 22
Status: Married
Living with this man I call my husband:)
Bachelors in School Health Education.
Gets home sick every week.....or two.
Continuing to keep in touch with those friends.
Missing dance all the time.
Parties little, and is okay with that.
Starting to realize where my life is going.
Loving life.
Graduation Pictures:
I love these graduation pictures... I'm so proud of you!! Good job for making it through school, I'm very jealous. We definitely have some good memories from those days way back when, but I'm sure there will be plenty more! Love you!
congrats tay! can't wait til i am!! and you are so right.. nothing will ever compare to snow. xoxo
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