Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We have had a fun, relaxing holiday weekend....and one more week teaching until summer! This weekend was awesome-spend some time with the girls & with the family. Today, Memorial Day, we went on a great hike up Millcreek Canyon with my family. Before we left Beckett took a nap and woke up with caaaraazy hair. I had to take a picture.

 Beckett has a new face he loves to make. I love it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beckett's 1 Year Old Pictures

Here are Beckett's 1 year old pictures by LouLou Photography. They turned out great...but...Beckett would not crack a smile during the session! When we first got there he was greeted by a big dog and from that point on he was weary about everything. I wish the little bugger smiled more because its the best smile ever. Regardless, he is the most handsome boy (along with Josh of course) that I know!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spring Fever

This past week or so has been quite busy...and fun.
I got completely spoiled on Mothers Day & I love my boys sooooo much:) Also, my grandma Stapley had hip surgery a week or so ago and we got to visit her. She is a trooper!

Beckett 'helping' dad mow the lawn.

We visited Wheeler Farm one afternoon. It is very pretty this time of year. Josh & I actually had our engagement pictures taken there and this was our first time back since. Beckett loved looking at the horses & cows but he HATED the ducks & swans. He totally bawled everytime he'd see one.

This last weekend we went down to Orangeville, it had been too long since we'd gotten down there. We had a good time with family and kept very busy. We had a BBQ, went fishing, went to our niece's dance recital, and Josh took B on his first SLOW motorcycle ride (for some reason rules don't apply once your in Orangeville....).

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Splash N' Sprint Triathlon 2012

Josh & I attempted our first triathlon. Luckily it was a success! We competed in Bountiful's Splash N' Sprint Triathlon in the Novice Division. We are doing a sprint triathlon later this summer and so we decided to do a novice this time (which is shorter) to prepare us and to help us get a feel for how it works. The novice triathlon was fairly short but a great experience (150 yard swim, 3.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run). Josh & I both finished it in about 28 minutes. The good news is that we both took 1st place in the male/female 18-29 year old division!

Wish us luck for the longer one later this summer!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

12 Month Stats

Beckett went to the doctor today, he is as healthy as a horse!

Weight: 23 lbs (55%)
Height: 31 Inches (85%)

*Started walking about a week ago!
*Waves bye-bye
*Says "dada" & "dog"
*Puts everything into the trash can
*Can get on & off his new baby tricycle by himself
*Loves milk, bananas, noodles, and of course sweets!
*Loves to RAWR
*Is a total boy and loves being thrown around

Monday, May 7, 2012

Beckett's 1st Birthday

I can't believe it. My baby boy is 1 years old! He is getting so big and smart. He got totally spoiled, so many presents. He loves them all.

Since this was his 1st birthday we planned a big party. My parents were nice enough to let us have it at their house, we needed the space! I made a bunch of decorations.....and spent the whole day before baking was worth it! We had almost all of our family over, we were so glad they all made time to come. Beckett got to see his cousins that he hadn't seen in a while, it is fun to see them together. We had dinner, opened presents, and had some cupcakes. It was lots of fun and Beckett had a ball!

{The life and love we create is the life and love we live}